Netflix original political thriller House of Cards is nominated for 9 Emmy
awards including best TV Drama, Best actor for Oscar winner Kevin Spacey

Oscar Winner, Kevin Spacey
was nominated for Best Actor in the Political thriller House of Cards on Netflix
and best actress for Robin Wright. Arrested Development‘s New season on Netflix
handed Jason Bateman a best actor in a comedy nomination so what does that
mean to Television as we know it?
Will we soon see Youtube shows topping the list of Emmy nods? Everybody get
out your iPhones and start shooting. Youtube now gives anyone with a gmail their
own channel. Are you ready to program your own network? Yesterday, I was
at Youtube Next Lab to find out about making trailers to promote your channel.
Hint: Edit and Make em Laugh. Try to make your channel a bit different.
How to’s are Huge.
Remember Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine.
How do you get to be on Youtube’s front page? Practice.Another secret if you think
you are hurting somebody’s video by giving it the thumbs down, guess what?
Youtube gives Likes and dislikes exactly the same weight. Either one boosts a
channel’s viewer engagement and that’s all that matters.
Make sure it’s easy for viewers to subscribe.
Who knows maybe you’ll be at the 2014 Emmy Awards taking home a trophy.