Here’s a few details about Desiree’s gorgeous ring, and that is that its diamond, platinum and 18 karat rose gold.
It’s a romantic intertwined ring set with a central cushion cut diamond, surrounded and accented by 204 round cut diamonds. The total weight of all the diamonds is 3.70 karats.
Now onto the Interview
Q: what happened when you talked to Chris about Brooks?
Desiree Hartsock: everything that had happened with Brooks and I needed that, you know, I needed him to know that in order to move forward and be honest.
since the proposal we haven’t needed to rehash anything more. He pretty much knows all the details and that didn’t bother him.
Chris Siegfried: Yes, we’ve really been focusing on or relationship now. And, that’s not something that everybody gets to see and, I was glad that she was honest with me and that’s kind of where we wanted to start our relationship. And, that’s where we’re going now.
Q: So, I was wondering if, Desiree, you plan to take Chris’s last name?
Desiree Hartsock: I do, definitely. I’m very traditional in that sense. So, I will be a Siegfried.
Chris Siegfried: Hey.
Q: Also, if you have a favorite memory of your time together on “The Bachelorette?”
Desiree Hartsock: Oh, that’s really good. You know, there’s so many unique memories and also so many great times with Chris that, oh my gosh, I can’t even pinpoint just one. I mean, obviously the proposal, of course.
I think that what also was nice for me was to see his hometown and to, be on the baseball field with him. To be honest that was a really great moment because I could see my future what it would look like with him.
Q: Same for you, Chris?
Chris Siegfried: I, yes, I really enjoyed seeing her out there on the baseball field playing catch with her and watching her swing a bat. I was very impressed and I think I expressed that quite a bit on the show. yes
Q: So, Desiree, viewers have been wondering why you never told Chris that you had already eliminated Drew until the very last minute. .
Desiree Hartsock: No, actually, I mean, I just didn’t want to put that added pressure on to him. I never had any kind of hopes for Brooks to come back. That had, you know, that ship had sailed.
So, I was just focused on my relationship with Chris. And, I wanted it to be the right moment and the right time to really express everything to him.
Yes, and I didn’t want to put that added pressure if he knew that he was the only one meeting my family or the only one that was still left. So, I think it worked out nicely when he found out.
Q: what has been the hardest thing about your relationship since the show wrapped?
Desiree Hartsock: The hardest thing? You know, to be honest I would say the hardest thing is just not being – like while we were in hiding, was just not being able to do normal couple things. You know, go get a cup of coffee or just share my day with him.
Chris Siegfried: Yes, we want – we want to get back to exactly how we were before and just go out in the public and enjoy ourselves and grabbing breakfast and coffee like she said and going on hikes, so.
Desiree Hartsock: The hardest part was just being away and not being able to have that normalcy.
Q: Des, we see you describing California as your home. What made you decide to move to Seattle so fastl?
Desiree Hartsock: Yes, I mean, I have always loved California and that’s mainly because I haven’t had any roots anywhere with my family. I’ve always been away from them and I think that I haven’t really, I thought about living in other areas, but I haven’t met someone that I wanted to spend my life with.
And I think once you find that you just, you know, you – you compromise and you make it work. So, I wanted to move to be with Chris and I think so quickly is because at first I was going to wait until the end of the year but we – we – after waiting for three months I mean, we realized that we missed each other too much and we just need to start out life together as soon as possible.
Q: What are date nights like now that you’re not climbing mountains or on boats in Antigua?
Desiree Hartsock: You know what? We actually have our first date planned and that’s just athat’s just to explore Seattle and, you know, to take a walk, grab some breakfast. And, you know, we don’t need the mountains and the – the helicopters. We just need a good conversation and time together. What do you think?
Chris Siegfried: Yes, yes, that’s what, you know. We’ve kind of drawn out our date in Seattle, our first date. So, we’re both very excited to have that experience here shortly. Yes.
Q: what do you plan to do when you get to Seattle as far as your career?
Desiree Hartsock: Yes, I mean, my entire dreams since – for many, many years is to design my own bridal gown collection. So, I mean, I can design anywhere I want to be and I can be creative. So, that’s what I plan to do work on a jewelry line and a bridal line.
And just allow that time to really, you know, do what I love.
Q: Do you think you’ll design your own wedding gown?
Desiree Hartsock: Definitely, yes, I will definitely design my own wedding gown.
Q: This is a question for Chris. Can you describe to us what was going through your mind when Desiree stopped you right before you got down and proposed to her?
Chris Siegfried: Yes, let’s see, well, I was getting down on one knee to propose and she so kindly brought me back up. So, I was – at first, wondering what it was that she had to tell me right at that instance.
You know, when I first walked up to her and saw her and saw her smile and – and she gave me a kiss. I know that the next few minutes were only going to be positive. So, I was just open to hearing what – whatever she had to say and I was a little nervous but in the end it actually ended up being great.
Q: when Brooks said you wanted to leave. How did you from that dark place to getting engaged just a couple days later. Can you – can you talk us through that a little?
Desiree Hartsock: Of course I mean, anybody can, you know, relate that in a heartbreak or in a break up or any type of rejection, the first thing you want to do is just be alone and you want to curl up in your bed and kind of, you know, eat a tub of ice cream. And I didn’t have the opportunity to do that so I – I don’t know it’s – it’s a normal kind of thing to be hurt after a rejection.
But the way I got past it is, you know, the feelings that come during this experience they’re very accelerated, just because I do get to know these guys pretty quickly. I think that also is what helped me get past it pretty quickly is because I can’t make someone love me and so I wasn’t going to dwell on that but really take time to see the other relationships that I formed.
And, yes, I was actually able to really just look beyond Brooks leaving and to see the good that was going to come from it.
Q: And Chris, why did you decide not to watch Brooks goodbye in full?
Chris Siegfried: that was something Des and I decided early on that the one nice thing or however you will take it for Des and I is that we’ve been able to build something very strong since the proposal and we decided early on that it was just best for her and for me to watch the parts that we shared together in all the episodes.
And it really isn’t that hard for me to, you know, turn the T.V. on after her and I – our date. So…
Desiree Hartsock: Yes, we weren’t going to let, you know, what had happened in the past really define what our future is going to be.
Chris Siegfried: Yes, there’s no – there’s no real reason to bring up old feelings like that. Especially, like she said, she was able to move on and at such an accelerated atmosphere.
Q: Hi, guys, quick question of Chris, Des’ not been – been through this before with – with the scrutiny that comes – comes with being on this show. How has it been for you so far if you can maybe talk about that?
Chris Siegfried: You know, I – I’ve only had nothing but kind remarks. People have been very, very nice. But their words and their positive support and it – it’s been nice. It’s been nice to have that following.
So, you know, going forward, we – I’m – I’m planning on dealing with it just the same way I would deal with anything else. I’m going to, you know, I’m planning on focusing on our relationship and just supporting her and her supporting me.
And if people want to reach out and say hi, hope you guys are doing well, then that’s great, you know, there will be naysayers and that just is what it is that’s part of the – the nature of this. But, you know, we’re both confident in what we have.
Q: Catherine wanted you to win the whole time Chris because you were from Seattle.
Chris Siegfried: Go Seattle.
Q: S she tweeted last night Seattle for the win. So, now that you guys are going to be living in Seattle any chance you’ll go on a double date with Sean and Catherine?
Chris Siegfried: That’d be, you know, it’d be…
Desiree Hartsock: I mean, it’d be interesting because, you know…
Chris Siegfried: definitely an experience we – we all share together.
Desiree Hartsock: I do – I do like them both and we, you know, I do speak to both of them. So, that would be a possibility.
Q: How’s your brother with Chris?
Desiree Hartsock: No, my brother was able to meet Chris he really took a liking to him and has nothing but kind words to say. I think my brother can see all that Chris is and what Chris means to me and I think that’s all that matters.
Q: , you guys will be – you’ve been in so many fantastic places where would you possibly honeymoon?
Chris Siegfried: Good question. Where should we go? You know, we did like a lot of the places that we visited.
Desiree Hartsock: I loved Spain.
Chris Siegfried: Yes, we both – we both really liked Spain. So we could both see ourselves going back to Spain possibly.
Desiree Hartsock: And you can never go wrong with like an island.
Chris Siegfried: Yes, so most likely something – something warm.
Q: have you guys set a wedding date yet?
Desiree Hartsock: You know, we have discussed it and we would love to get married next summer. We don’t have an exact date but we’re definitely planning it.
Chris Siegfried: Yes, it’s in the making.
Q:what is the best love advice you can give?
Chris Siegfried: To keep an open mind and…
Desiree Hartsock: An open heart.
Chris Siegfried: An open heart, yes.
Desiree Hartsock: Also I think its really trying to see through the others eyes and allowing yourself to be selfless and I think that’s when you can have a balance in give in take and I think that’s what, keeps a good foundation.
well, Brooks left and then the roses were given out the following day.
Desiree Hartsock: He does and I do appreciate his opinion. I think it was definitely different with Sean because it was Sean specific it wasn’t just like any guy in general. And so when I met with my brother in LA I wanted to have that meeting in order to see if I even wanted him to be involved. And when he was so supportive of me, you know, being the Bachelorette and making my own decision I knew that he would support me no matter what. So I knew that he, yes, Chris is such a great guy I knew that my brother would find nothing wrong with him.
Q: what makes you the most nervous about moving in together?
Chris Siegfried: Well, she has a tendency to use my toothbrush.
Desiree Hartsock: No, I do not. He just made that up. I’m actually, I don’t have any nerves.
Chris Siegfried: Yes, this is – we both feel very confident and comfortable with this decision.
Desiree Hartsock: Yes.
Chris Siegfried: And we’re both very excited.
Desiree Hartsock: I think it’s just the next step in our relationship and it can only get better.
Q: do you have any advice for Juan Pablo?
Desiree Hartsock: Yes, Juan Pablo is a very sincere great guy, and I think he’s a good choice for a Bachelor. Any advice? I would just tell him to stay open and to really follow his heart and, you know, honestly take time out to reflect on his own feelings so that he doesn’t get caught up with too much it’s a lot of emotions to deal with. So I hope that he can stay grounded and really find the love of his life because he does deserve it.
Q: So Jimmy Kimmel said Des settled for her second choice in picking you Chris How do you both feel about that?
Chris Siegfried: Sure. You know, I was – was confident the entire time in the relationship that Des and I were building, and a lot of that stuff doesn’t air but that’s OK, and I just knew that going forward each and every day seeing Des was something that I could see in my future forever and so, you know, when Brooks ultimately decided to leave, that, you know, while – while that did play a little bit of a factor it didn’t really didn’t affect my decision making process. I still knew that at the end of the day I wanted to be with Des and that’s what I was focused on.
Desiree Hartsock: Yes, and I mean – I mean, Chris was never a second choice. I mean, there was still two weeks left even when Brooks left like he – I didn’t even have a date with him and those last two weeks if you talked to anyone like those are the most vital because it’s not just about quality is it’s really about picturing a life together and making sure it’s going to fit.
So regardless of Brooks leaving or not and what was shown at my emotions and how strongly I felt, I still don’t know how it would have ended up, because Chris and always had a strong connection from the very first time we ever talked and I think it’s going to be nice for everyone to go back and watch that progress because that was definitely a natural progression.
Q: Chris, I really want to ask you about your poetry. When did this start, when did you become such an epic poet and why did you decide to share all them with us?
Chris Siegfried: You know, poetry was something that I came across back in 2009 actually during baseball. It was just an avenue for me to kind of get down on paper what I was feeling and, you know, the emotional highs and lows that baseball and being away from your family and relationships really brought.
So I started it back then, and coming on to the show, I – you know, I’ve since – I’ve done it since. But coming on to the show – the show really caters to, you know, it created a side, if you do have a creative side it really does cater to that.
Because you have the time to reflect and if you do want to express those emotions however you feel whether it’s through poetry or through songwriting like Zak you are able to do that and it was something that just came natural for me to want to express to Des and it’s, it’s something we still share every once in a while, it’s not like every day like it’s shown on the show.
Or once a week like it’s on the show but it is definitely a big part of our relationship because it’s just another form of, I guess our love communication if you will.
Q: What kind of wedding dress would you design?
Desiree Hartsock: my design style for bridal is a little bit more nontraditional though I do like the more vintage style that,that the (inaudible) gown with either beading or lace, and kind of just romantic and subtle but still, very elegant.
Q: would you attend Sean and Catherine’s wedding?
Desiree Hartsock: Yes, if we were invited we definitely – we would definitely go.
Q: I just had another question I was wondering a lot of, you know, Bachelor and Bachelorette cast mates they get offered a lot more cheesy work and stuff afterwards and I know like (JP) and (Ashley) did like a follow-up show. I was wondering if you guys would ever be interested in doing a newlywed style reality show of your real lifei in Seattle.
Desiree Hartsock: I mean, honestly, I don’t think either one of us have a desire to pursue television. we both want to get to what we love to do with work and focus in our own relationship outside of TV. But, we’re still open to certain things if it caters to our career goals or, you and possibly a wedding.
Q: Desiree Why did you give Drew a rose and then send him home before the date the next day?
Desiree Hartsock: Sure, I mean, as you could see the rose ceremony happened the day after so I didn’t have much time to really collect my thoughts. And so that rose ceremony I – I – I – there was no other option then to really give them both the rose and then take the time that day to really sort out my thoughts and so that’s why, you know, when I did reflect on each relationship the day that and the date I had with (Drew) I already – I knew, but I don’t think I could see a future so.
Q: what your family’s reaction was?
Drew Kenney: when they meet Desiree, they fell in love just as much as I did. So there was a lot of – a lot of disappointment but, , their support never wavered and they just wanted me to be happy when it was all said and done.
– that ending up with Desiree was – was what I wanted and they supported that. But, you know, when it didn’t happen that way they hurt just as much as I did, but, you know, at the end it – when it was all said and done it was all about my happiness and so they – they – they didn’t care the outcome as long as I came out of it, you know, in good shape.
Q: Hey, Drew if you were in Chris’s shoes and Des had picked you, and you saw what happened with Brooks would you have stayed with her?
Drew Kenney: I’m sure that they had plenty of conversations that allowed her to explain herself and their connection was different than mine, Like she said she tried to take every relationship differently.
it was a quick turn around and for her to go from such heartbreak to such elation in that engagement but I’m sure they had plenty of time to talk it over and -they seem like they’re really happy so, you know, I’m happy for them
I didn’t understand why, I was handed a rose and then turned around the next day unfortunately I didn’t get an answer for that question, but it did – raise my eyebrow a little bit as far as what happened.
Especially when she handed out the roses, she said don’t accept these unless you’re prepared to move forward. Then so of course in accepting the rose I’ve, you know, there was trust there in knowing that this is what she truly wanted for me was for me to move forward. When in all actuality that wasn’t the case.
Q: Hi, Drew. I was just wondering when do you – when Des broke up with you, I thought you took it really well. You were very gracious. But was there any part of you that was kind of feeling angry?
Drew Kenney: No, you know, I didn’t have any anger towards her at all. I understood that, you know, she was going through something very difficult and if – if she didn’t feel like she had that connection with me then I wasn’t going to sit there and try and convince her otherwise.
I think that, you know, this was something that she need to figure out on her own and even though I was so that – that in what I wanted that doesn’t necessarily mean, you know, that was there for her as well. So, I wasn’t angry at all. I -I – I understood what was going on and it’s just kind of how it – how it goes.
Q: do you think Juan Pablo will make a good Bachelor even though sincere he seemed a little bit girl crazy last night?
Drew Kenney: You know, I think Juan Pablo is a great guy. I know him really well and I got to know him in the house and, you know, I’ve talked to him post show and everything and he’s – he’s wonderful. And he loves his daughter and he’s a family man and he’s definitely oriented in that direction.
I firmly believe that he is thinking about a future and he’s thinking about family. So, will he make a good Bachelor in that sense yes. Yes, I think that he will take it seriously.
I think that he will, , look at each one of his,, possible girlfriends, fiancé’s and with – with great – and he’ll handle it with great care. I think that he will take it very seriously.
We didn’t get to spend a lot of time a lot of time getting to know him so I what’s something we ought to know about him that we didn’t see?
Drew Kenney: He’s – he’s very genuine, he really is and he’s honest and he’s sincere and the camera got his personality they got he’s a pretty smooth guy. They got his sense of humor but what they didn’t see was that, behind all that he actually is a guy that cares a lot.
And I think that the audience will be able to see that during his statements. he does care and – and ultimately I think he wants what’s best for him and his daughter.
Drew Kenney: No, I just – I remember him talking to his daughter everyday whether it be through Skype or through like text messages or something like that. I just remember him constantly being around producers and – and asking to be able to talk to his daughter.
Yes, he was constantly showing us in the houses pictures and – and – and telling stories and doing all these things and, you know, it was very clear how important she was to him.
Q: Drew,did you want to be the next bachelor?
Drew Kenney: I – don’t know if I was ever in the running. They keep that stuff pretty close to the vest. So, I – if I was being considered or, if – if any of that was – was happening I wasn’t really informed.
But, as far as being the Bachelor, what that meant to me was the opportunity to find the person I believe I’m meant to be with more than anything else. going through this whole process was a little bit of an elite thing for me.
I really came to realize that there are the qualities that I’m looking for and I’m ready to find them and I’m ready to settle down and start a family and start my future.
Drew Kenney: No. – I haven’t began seeing anybody. Y this whole process and eventually making it as far as I did, they kind of put me in this, I don’t know if it was self-imposed lockdown it was making sure I didn’t give anything away.
I haven’t begun talking to anybody know, my next step is to continue with my life and, y the most important thing for me has always been relationships in my life.
So, staying close to my family, staying close with my friends and – and taking care of those things are most important to me.
Q: how hard was it to see Chris and Desiree together at the after the Final Rose Ceremony? was that difficult for you to see them together and engaged and happy?
Drew Kenney: Well, to be completely honest I haven’t seen the others things that I have seen there on stage. When I – when I walked off stage I went back to my dressing room and started to change and I had a live feed straight into what was going on on stage.
So, but, , I did get to watch the others and I did get to see how it ended and, I’m happy for them. I’m absolutely – I look at them and I see, I – I see the outcome that she should have had.
she – she – I have nothing but – but, good thoughts and good hopes for them and for the future.
Q: Drew, where does you style sense come from?
Drew Kenney: I’ve been working in the fashion industry for a while and I’ve been kind of modeling and acting. So, I just put a few things along the way and just kind of pieced it together.
Just by being involved in the fashion industry you kind of see it and, I took great pride in – in how I look so I didn’t want to deviate from that at all.
Right now it’s I just – I want to focus on the relationships in my life and my family and my friends and that kind of stuff.
It’s hard being the Bachelor. I think they made a great choice in Juan Pablo. He is – he’s a great guy and, it will be an exciting season to I’m really pulling of for him. I really hope that he finds the girl that he wants and it ends happily and in an engagement.
Q: Would you be interested in appearing next season helping Juan check out all his contestants, see who’s good for him ?
Drew Kenney: Sure. Juan could probably give me pointers to be completely honest as far as being involved in the future in the show and all that was such a great experience.
And I’ve made so many good friends throughout the process that, you know, if they – if they called me and asked me if I wanted to be involved in showing up I would definitely be paying attention. I would listen – I would listen for sure.
As far as me giving pointers to Juan, he doesn’t need it. He will be just fine.
Q: I was wondering if you were still confident in your decision, after, meeting with Desiree on the Final Rose last night?
Brooks Forester: Yes, I – I know made the right decision and that was about being honest with Desiree and with myself and that conversation and the breakup, as difficult as it was and as bad as it hurt, you know, I – I just don’t know how I can live without being honest.
So, I look back and say I know that’s the right decision and I knew that was the right decision going into that conversation with her.
Q: And were you surprised when she was engaged to Chris?
Brooks Forester: Not entirely. I was – I had time to consider all the options of what might possibly be the outcome. So, not entirely but, you know, I – I’m excited for them I wish them the best. And, you know, as I said last night it was apparent that Desiree had those feelings for Chris and I – I know had those feelings for her.
No, I love Chris I think he is a genuine – he’s a genuine person and very great guy. So, I think Desiree, you know, got what she deserves a great guy. So, I couldn’t be happier for him.
Q: Good, so there was a report that came out recently that you regretted leaving Des almost immediately after you took off. I guess was that actually eh case and if so when did you stop feeling that regret? And was there ever a moment in between when you did consider coming back?
Q: Did you regret leaving Des and did you consider coming back on the show to tell her? There were stories about that.
Brooks Forester: No, that was never – never an option and never my feelings after making that decision. I’ve – I felt like I make the right decision going into that. I didn’t have a moment where I felt I should go back and – and rehash things out with Desiree.
was there immediate things that I missed about here and was I sad to see that relationship come to a close? Yes, I think after the conversation and my interview with the producers I was beyond sad, sad to see that relationship end.
Brooks Forester: So, that’s – that’s the only place I could think it came from.
Q: Were you really surprised that Desiree chose Chris?
I honestly did not know how the show ended. I still haven’t seen the show. I still haven’t seen what happens.I was held in sequester yesterday while the show aired, then knowing that I didn’t know the ending.
Brooks Forester: Yes, the last two months have been difficult there, everybody assumed that Des and I were together and has conversations with me and I don’t like eluding to anything. I have to play a very fine line and, say oh just watch the season and I hope the best for,Des and myself and everyone involved and that’s just not a comfortable line to tow, so I’m glad that that’s over, I’m really glad to see the end of this shooting come to an end.
Q: If you knew how Desiree felt – being in love with you would that have changed anything?
Brooks Forester: I thought about that, and at the first time I knew that she loved me was when she told me on the dock. That was the first time I had heard it from her, the viewers were able to see that she had those feelings prior – prior to myself so in the moment,
And that was a comment referring back to conversation that we had where, you know, I had told Desiree that I would promise to wear my heart on my sleeve and to put her first before everything including the show and should I say something that the producers and our editors don’t enjoy well – or feel that its revealing then they can cut that out.
And I’ll allow them to do their job as editors and producers and I will do everything I can to make this as real and as genuine as possible and try to be as communicative as possible.
So I, you know, in long about way the answer is no, I – it’s about my emotional process and me figuring out how I feel, and Desiree deserves to be in love with someone that is equally in love with her. So she was at that point great, now I need to get there and I just wasn’t there yet.
Q: can you talk about like how difficult it was to decipher your true feelings with the dramatic dates and all that stuff.
Brooks Forester: Yes, it takes a moment to justify in your brain all the situations that are going on, the fact that she is dating 25 other guys is something that may be used – warm me up to that idea when you are coming on the show and knowing that that’s the premise of the show, however actually being on the show with the guys while feelings develop is entirely a different story and it can be difficult to fall in love with the moment. Does that make sense?
So, you – the moment and the – I mean, the dates are so grand and amazing and you only see her in those moments, it is difficult to really decipher exactly how you feel. Are you falling in love with her or are you falling in love with that moment?
And so, for me, I really wanted a window to the outside world per say this – I see this relationship working after this whole journey together and that’s what I was most concerned with. I wanted to make sure that those words, you know, I love you are genuine and sincere and that I can fully back that up. Six months, a year from now, instead of just in that moment.
Q: Were you surprised Desiree got engaged to Chris so quickly after the break up with you?
Brooks Forester: Yes, to say there was no surprise at all would be a stretch. I don’t know what her process was. , I wasn’t there to see what exactly it is that she was realizing and going into that conversation I was hoping she was somewhat conflicted.
she’s really conflicted between Drew, Chris, and myself and my bowing out will make this decision easier for her. So I guess in retrospect I am a little surprised, but not entirely, but I don’t know what she was going through prior to that moment and having me gone if that created clarity for her or more confusion, either or.
I’m just not sure. That’s a really hard question I don’t know. those are the conclusions that I came to. She could’ve been thinking anything and she didn’t communicate that to me.
Q: Did you feel like you were the frontrunner and that this was kind of yours to lose?
Brooks: In the beginning, I had the first date so early on I had more time than any of the other guys, so I knew that I was in a situation that was going to be difficult because my next time with her to rekindle the connection that we established on the first date was going to be longer than anybody else.
So I did feel that I had-as you say-the position of a frontrunner early on due to my position in the dates. I don’t think after others had their dates that I was any further along than either of them. I think once everybody started to get their time that we were all put onto even playing field to some degree.
Q: What are you doing right now with our life? What’s going on?
Brooks: Oh, I’ve been working on a couple different projects. I work at Fit Marketing. I work in sales. I do audits for new customers and then I have a little company that we’ve been working on two years. I call it a project because its, you know, its still in its infancy and we basically help recycle old shoes and help (inaudible) to raise money to provide new shoes for those who don’t have them.
Q: And are you dating anybody right now?
Brooks Forester: No, I’m not.
Q: were you disappointed that you weren’t picked to be the next Bachelor?
Brooks Forester: after watching Desiree firsthand and the process that she went through, emotionally taxing, there was some discussion early on and when they had asked me initially my response was no.
We had multiple conversations about it and they said, “We think we’re going in a different direction anyway,” so that there wasn’t much to consider for me in that arena so that decision was pretty easy.
Q: Hi, Brooks. You touched on this a little bit, but this is obviously a very unusual situation. I mean, Des was dating other guys and there was this kind of pressure of the cameras and everything.
Do you think that if you had met her in a bar or something or through friends and had a relationship off screen that it could have developed more naturally?
Brooks Forester: Well, Desiree had been there before so I felt like she had an understanding as how to be herself early on. I think I was the one doing the learning there so I don’t think that the situation would change things entirely.
I think the outcome would have been the same just based on who we are as individuals and what it is that she’s looking for and what I’m looking for. You know, and like I said before, I just – after putting everything into that relationship and it-the pieces started to not come together-you know that was really emotional for me to really put my heart out there and to really try to make that relationship work and then to just not feel that click that I felt like I needed and have felt before.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been in love and, you know, I’ve felt that before so I know how to recognize it and I just didn’t feel that in the relationship so I don’t think it would change the outcome.
Q: When did you definitely decide to leave? Had you decided before you went to speak to your mom and your sister or was it after speaking to them it gave you clarity?
Brooks Forester: My family acted as my first sounding board in Salt Lake, when we had our first date, and I think they had asked me some of the hard questions that I wasn’t asking myself at that point and so it gave me some time to kind of identify what I was already feeling and so and talking to my sister and my mother-it was just a way for me to be more confident in the decision that I had made.
I had made the decision to go and talk to Desiree I just didn’t want to regret it later on so since my family was such a good sounding board the first time, I figured, Hey I’ll go talk to them again and see their thoughts on this decision. It was really just that I was doing the right thing and I had worked out my emotions and was looking at thing with a healthier perspective.
Brooks: Yes, as I said before I mean, they seem looking for love and they found that and Desiree and Chris both are amazing individuals in the fact that they found that they’re comfortable with each other and comfortable with their decisions that they’ve made and feel like they can back up the words I love you to each other and commit to that relationship is something to be celebrated and I am extremely happy for them.
You know, the phrase is often thrown around, you know, he or she deserves to be loved, you know, I think the less that people who don’t deserve to be loved would be a lot shorter. You know, so the fact that they’ve found it is – is awesome everyone deserves that.
Q: if they invited you to their wedding, would you go?
Brooks Forester: That’s a really good question. If you can’t tell I’m blushing. I don’t think so. Out of respect for Chris and for Desiree that would just feel like it would be awkward.
Brooks Forester: I myself woud go if they were entirely comfortable, but that’s – that’s a weird circumstance.
Q: Juan Pablo was one of the fan favorites what can you tell us about him?
Brooks Forester: Yes, I think Juan Pablo is known as the kind of the neutral guy in the house, he is kind of Switzerland. if you will, he would -yes, was always in kind of a neutral – neutral position and if there was a conversation or debate or something Juan Pablo usually took the neutral position and maybe that’s something that you don’t know.
Q: Do you think Des was really in love with you since she got engaged to Chris?
Brooks Forester: Yes, I think there’s some possibility that she as well may have felt some pressure to express exactly how she felt about me and maybe after this situation realized that, you know, those feelings were there. But that doesn’t take away from the relationship that she was developing with Chris and was able to see that a little bit more clear after having put that away and say OK, I’ve come to the conclusion that that’s not going to happen.
That would be tough. You know, a tough decision and tough thing to move on from so quickly because, you know, I was cautious and in using those words I love you because I knew what that meant. And – and I think it’s very – those should be heavy words I – for someone who maybe you don’t – if you don’t know if they – they are going to reciprocate those feelings that can be a heavy three words for the receiver of those words.
So I just wanted to make sure when I vocalized those three words that they were going to be received well and – and she would be comfortable with hearing that. I don’t know if that answers your question, I realize I – I – I babble some H s
Q: How do you feel being known as some one who doesn’t articulate your emotions?
Brooks Forester: I think emotions are difficult to articulate. Period. And I mean to say what I – what I feel. And I don’t think that that’s always the case. I think at times people say what it is they think people want them to say or say what sounds good, and it is yes, it can be difficult and (inaudible) your emotion and then putting that into words all the time.
So yes, if that is the rumor about Brooks Forester that I have a hard time articulating my emotions then sure and I’m OK with that. I had my conversation with Desiree on the beach been mapped out and articulated and presented like a politician, I don’t think it would be taken very, as sincere. So I guess that just eliminates all the other options, the process of elimination I guess it must be characteristic of mine.
And we’re really excited about the new season of “The Bachelor” with Juan Pablo come this January, and obviously we’ll all be in touch in the near future. So thank you again and have a good rest of your summer.
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